Bhutani Infra Leasing


Where Should I Buy Private Office Space in Noida?

Where Should I Buy Office Space in Noida?

When it comes to real estate investment, Noida has always had a special place among investors to buy office space in Noida. The city has shown impressive growth trends in the past an....

5 Useful Tips for Commercial Real Estate Investment | Choose Right Commercial Developer in Noida - Bhutani Group

5 Useful Tips for Commercial Real Estate Investment - Bhutani Group

Real estate investment is quite profitable and guarantees good returns. However, it also carries some risks. So, get here the tips for commercial real estate investment. This is why yo....

Why Coworking Spaces are Best for Startups in India?

Why Coworking Spaces are Best for Startups in India?

Startup ideas may start from the basement of your home or from a bar around the corner. However, for the company to function and grow, a good professional environment is necessary, whic....

Tips for Leasing Commercial Property in India

Tips for Leasing Commercial Property in India - Bhutani Group

Leasing commercial property is quite popular in India. This is mainly because of the high rate of commercial property in Delhi/NCR and other major cities. While leasing typically wo....

How to Judge a Real Estate Builder? - Bhutani Group

How to Judge a Real Estate Builder? - Bhutani Group

Buying a property is probably the most important financial investment in your life and you cannot just put the money into any property they sell. Knowing the builder of your home or pro....

Tax Savings in Commercial Property - Bhutani Group

Tax Savings in Commercial Property - Bhutani Group

Real estate investment has always existed in India. Since the past decade commercial real estate investment has become so popular in the country, especially in Tier-I markets like Delh....

Why Should you Invest in Commercial Property in India? - Bhutani Group

Why Should you Invest in Commercial Property in India? - Bhutani Group

These are uncertain times for all industries and people are reconsidering their investments. However, even under these circumstances, real estate is still considered a haven by many inv....

An Introduction to Commercial Property Leasing in India - Bhutani Group

An Introduction to Commercial Property Leasing in India - Bhutani Group

When you are starting a new business, getting a place to set up your office or shop is one of the first considerations. Now, at this stage, you may not be able to buy a property ....

How Much has the Pandemic Affected Commercial Real Estate? - Bhutani Group

How Much has the Pandemic Affected Commercial Real Estate? - Bhutani Group

Last year’s pandemic threw almost all industries out of gear. Years of forecasts and predictions could not anticipate the global economy break that was Covid. Even market health in....